Handling MongoDB operations using Mongoose

Handling MongoDB operations using Mongoose

1. Connection to MongoDB using Mongoose:

Create a Database in MongoDB Atlas>

To create Database in MongoDB atlas refer: https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/create-database-deployment/

    const connectionInstance = async()=>{

    try {
        const connection= await mongoose.connect("Connection URL")
        console.log("MogoDB connection successfull");
    } catch (error) {
        console.log("MongoDB Error: ", error)


2. Create Basic Schema

In Mongoose, a schema serves as a blueprint for defining the structure of a Mongoose model. Let’s break it down:

  1. Schema Definition:

    • A schema is a configuration object that specifies how the data in a Mongoose model should be organized.

    • It defines the fields, their types, default values, and any validation rules that should be applied to the data.

  2. Model vs. Schema:

    • A model represents a MongoDB collection and provides an interface for creating, querying, updating, and deleting records based on the schema.

    • A schema, on the other hand, defines the structure of a document or record within that collection.

  3. What Schemas Do:

    • Define the properties that documents saved in MongoDB can have.

    • Declare custom validation rules.

    • Specify virtuals (computed properties).

    • Define getters and setters for transforming data.

    • Declare static methods for querying the database based on the schema.

    import mongoose from "mongoose";      

const userSchema= new mongoose.Schema({
        required: true
        required: true
        required: true
        required: true


export const User= mongoose.model("User",userSchema)

//it will create a database for the define shema and set the name in lowercase in pulalr form 
//e.g User --> users

3. Fetch All records

To fetch records we can use find() method. Generally find method will take a filter ({name:"somename"}) in the argument but to fetch all records you can just give {} in argument

    //get all records(files) from MongoDB
    const users=await User.find({})

4. Insert new Record

    // Inser new user in MongoDb using Mongoose

    const newUser = new User()

    const savedUser= await newUser.save()

5. Update the Records

By fetching the records and update it and then save the schema using save method

    const userToBeUpdated= await User.findOne({firstname:"Akash"})
    console.log("User: ", userToBeUpdated);
    const updatedUser=await userToBeUpdated.save()
    console.log("updated User: ", updatedUser);

By moongoose FindOneAndUpdate method

    const updatedUser= await User.findOneAndUpdate(
        firstname:"Akash" //filter for which name you want to change the values
        email:"akas.akash@akash.com" //Values that you want to change